Thursday, October 28, 2010

Help the Norristown Salvation Army with Conicelli This Season

Conicelli Cares 

Hello everyone, this year we have decided for our holiday project to assist our local Norristown Salvation Army Shelter.  I took a tour of the shelter and really had a chance to appreciate what they do for the homeless families in our community.  I hope that you will all be willing to help the Shelter this holiday season.  Even the smallest donation or item would be greatly appreciated. 

If you would like to tour the shelter, you may call Rob Fecho at 610-275-9225 ext. 211.  Donation boxes will be placed in each showroom and service department from Nov. 8-Dec. 21st.

The shelter is always in need of products, but often lacks the funds to purchase them.  We are asking you to consider joining together with us in donating any of the following items.

Items Needed:

single white sheets (fitted and flat)
·         white pillow cases
·         pillows
·         liquid laundry detergent
·         bleach
·         toilet paper
·         towels
·         wash cloths
·         napkins
·         lotion
·         diapers (all sizes)
·         baby wipes
·         bar soap
·         toothpaste
·         liquid dish soap
·         baby oil
·         combs
·         brushes
·         hair picks
·         shampoo
·         conditioner
·         female personal hygiene products
·         Lysol
·         Comet cleanser
·          Brooms
·         dust pans
·         55 gallon thick trash bags

Testimonial from a Salvation Army guest:

“I came to the Salvation Army to escape from my abusive fiancé.  When I met him he didn’t drink but as time went on he started to drink heavily and would occasionally get physical with me.  One time he beat me and beat our son and that is when I left, never to return.  I was scared when we arrived and the people there were so supportive to my son and me.  After two months I was enrolled in a county program to finish my education.  I was able to get into another Salvation Army program that helped pay my rent as I worked and went to school.

Today I am working full time in the medical field, my son and I have our own apartment and I was able to save up for my first used car.  I never expected my life to get so mixed up but I am thankful that the Salvation Army shelter was there for us, so very thankful.”

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